Creating an uplifting and inspiring environment for the Transpod FluxJet transportation system

Defining the needs

The primary objective of this command was to create two A2 posters that vividly depict the innovative Fluxjet transportation system set against an inspiring and imaginative environment.

The initial task involved defining what constitutes an uplifting illustration, along with identifying various key words that contribute to this concept. This process resulted in the creation of several moodboards and styles that have been recognized and categorized.

Crafting the scenery

Subsequently, the 3D scenery was generated following multiple exchanges regarding various elements such as the lighting, compositing techniques, and the underlying narrative. It was ultimately decided that the background would resemble a near-future city like New York or Hong Kong, envisioned 20 years ahead, where life is joyful and refreshing, harmoniously surrounded by lush nature.

Final touch

Finally, once the scene is complete and fully rendered, various modifications are implemented to enhance the colors, lighting, and textures. These adjustments aim to eliminate the overly perfect, clean plastic appearance often associated with standard 3D renders, thereby creating a more organic and inviting visual experience.

The two distinct posters can be found showcased on the client’s website at the following link:
Here, visitors can explore and appreciate the details of each design.

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